Eternal Love



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I am so thankful you are here! I am Laura, a heartfelt spiritual medium and healer. I offer mediumship readings where I endeavor to connect with your loved ones in Spirit to hopefully bring you a sense of reconnection, healing and closure.

I offer healings sessions.

You are most welcome to listen to my podcast where I have conversations with some of the finest mediums and developing mediums of today. Feel free to reach out via email with any questions you may have regarding mediumship or spiritual healing: I am always available to help you understand the process to the best of my ability. Please click the link above if you wish to listen to my podcast!

Thank you for being here.

Services Offered

Mediumship Readings

Stones for Meditation

I will connect with your loved ones in Spirit through my mediumship abilities. Every Spirit connection is different and is Spirit led. I will let your Spirit family and friends lead the reading and they will bring forth the evidence, memories and love that they wish to share. Readings usually last 30 minutes.

Intuitive Readings

A reading for guidance on your life utilizing a mixture of intuitive

cards, intuition and Spirit Connections.

Trance Healings

I will offer myself as a conduit for the Spirit World to work through me to bring forth healing that can be accepted by the sitter at their level of allowance. It is done with love and an open heart and is a very safe and loving experience.

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